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How we consume media?

Our goal is to be intentional with the media we consume and maintain control over our experience.

The platform is the message

One important aspect of our media consumption is understanding that the platform is the message. Different platforms offer different experiences, and it's crucial to be aware of how these platforms shape the content we consume. For example, Twitter is designed for short, snappy messages, while TikTok focuses on brief videos. By recognizing the nature of each platform, we can better tailor our media consumption to our needs and preferences.

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Media-mix choice

Our family has made a conscious decision to avoid certain forms of media, such as TV, radio, and streaming services. We believe that these platforms are often vehicles for advertisements and news, which can be overwhelming and distracting. Instead, we prefer to make our own decisions about what to buy and what to pay attention to, based on our needs and analysis.

The rule of effort

We also employ a strategy called the "rule of effort," which involves consuming media that requires a significant amount of effort from its creators. For example, we prefer to listen to audiobooks over podcasts, as the former requires more effort to write and record. Similarly, we choose movies over series, as they generally require more effort to produce and offer a complete story with a beginning, middle, and end.

A mindful experience

Our media consumption choices extend to the formats we use. For music, we prefer vinyl records and CDs, while for movies, we opt for DVDs. We find that these formats require more effort to enjoy, making the experience more intentional and meaningful. For example, listening to a vinyl record involves taking it out of its sleeve, placing it on the turntable, and carefully positioning the needle, all of which contribute to a more immersive and mindful experience.

What media do we consume?

When it comes to watching movies, we avoid streaming services and instead choose DVDs. This allows us to have control over our movie selection, without being influenced by algorithms or suggestions. We find that this approach leads to less time spent scrolling through options and more time enjoying the movies we truly want to watch.

Shaping the environment

Our environment plays a significant role in shaping our media consumption habits. By creating a space that encourages intentional media consumption, we can better focus on the quality of our experiences. For example, we use a projector to watch movies, providing a more immersive and theater-like experience.

Friction and coping mechanisms

We also avoid using media as a coping mechanism for life's challenges. By creating friction in our media consumption process, such as the ritual of choosing and playing a DVD, we prevent ourselves from mindlessly turning to media for distraction or comfort.

A beginning and a clearly defined ending

Furthermore, our media consumption habits are designed to respect our time and avoid stealing it away. By choosing media with a clear beginning, middle, and end, we can better manage our time and avoid the trap of binge-watching or endless scrolling.

In conclusion, our family's approach to media consumption is centered around intentionality, effort, and control. By making mindful choices about the platforms, formats, and content we consume, we can enhance the quality of our experiences and maintain a healthy relationship with media. We encourage you to consider your own media consumption habits and explore ways to make them more intentional and meaningful.

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Hard Work Smart
Hard Work Smart
Digital Minimalism. Mindful Productivity. Youtube Growth.